First United Methodist Church, 56 Whitlock Ave NW
Marietta, GA 30064
Room 256
April 6 - General Meeting
April 24 - Daylily Dig - 9AM @ Waldrops April 26 - Daylily Sale May 10 - Breakfast @ Waldrops & "How to Register DLs" May 23-24 - Rgn 5 Meeting - Savannah GA |
June 5 - Daylily Dig - 8AM @ Waldrops
June 6 - Set-up for Annual Daylily Show 3PM June 7 - 2025 Annual Daylily Show "Daylilies Thrive in '25" June 9-10 - ADS/AHS National Convention - Seattle WA |
We had our CCDS ARMS points auction in Sept. If you're curious, View the 2024 ARMS Auction Daylilies by Clicking Here |
Nov 2023 - Doris & David Bishop - Shady Rest Gardens
September 23 - Annual Picnic & ARMS Auction
2023 'Decades of Daylilies' CCDS Show
Click on the slideshows below to see the winning entries, people, judges and displays.
Click on the slideshows below to see the winning entries, people, judges and displays.
2025-2026 CCDS Officers
The officers for 2025-2026 are:
President: Steven Verner
Vice President: Lori Murphy
Secretary: Gail Knight
Treasurer: Sarah Kent
Parliamentarian: Diana Waldrop
Hospitality and Sunshine chair: Ida Dixon
Showchair, 2025: Matt Kent
Show co-chair: Gail Knight
Website: Rita Buehner
President: Steven Verner
Vice President: Lori Murphy
Secretary: Gail Knight
Treasurer: Sarah Kent
Parliamentarian: Diana Waldrop
Hospitality and Sunshine chair: Ida Dixon
Showchair, 2025: Matt Kent
Show co-chair: Gail Knight
Website: Rita Buehner
Since it's inception in 2004, the Cobb County Daylily Society (CCDS) has grown in opportunities for our members and the general public to learn more about daylilies. We achieved 501(c)3 non-profit status in 2014 and we're very proud to have co-hosted the 2015 AHS National Convention! Every year, CCDS offers
- Six scheduled Sunday afternoon general meetings featuring guest speakers, daylily auctions, pizza parties, etc.
- An annual Daylily Show and Sale each year in early June which is AHS accredited
- An annual picnic, auction and sale each Fall where members can redeem ARMS points earned by volunteering
- An annual Christmas Party
- Annual daylily grooming and design clinics prior to the Daylily Show taught by award winners
- Opportunities to collaborate with other local, regional and national daylily societies
- Opportunities to get involved with some very nice gardeners who love to laugh!
The Cobb County Daylily Society, Inc. is a nonprofit organization and its purpose is to promote, encourage, and foster the development and improvement of the Genus Hemerocallis, and public interest therein, by all suitable and appropriate means. The purposes, for which the Corporation is organized, are exclusively educational, charitable, scientific, and literary.